Transformational Leadership
The primary leadership domain is the heart of a leader. Effective leadership begins on the inside. This workshop is designed to empower you to be visionaries, team builders, mentors and change agents. It will provide a clear strategy to become a transformed leader that others will long to work with irrespective of your power or position. Often, leadership trainings focus on acquiring new leadership skills or adjusting a few old ones, which may quickly become obsolete with a shift in market behaviour or business strategy. Effective and lasting leadership calls for a more contextual approach that focuses on heart change.

This workshop will enable you to think, see, act and respond like the successful leaders and your leadership will be transformed. When a leader is transformed, families, organisations and communities are changed.

Duration: 2 days (10 hrs.)
Number of Participants: Maximum 24
Target Audience: Management/Departmental Heads/Team Leaders/Managers
Price: Rs. 15,000 per participant

The above fee includes course material, lunch and tea/coffee on both days.

Exercising Influence
Leadership is influence. Your leadership effectiveness is proportional to maximizing your influence. How are you using your influence behavior? This workshop will enable you to be influence aware and use a model to use influence behaviors, identify areas of development and establish clear influence goals that fit the organisational culture and purpose. You will design an approach for formal and informal influence situations.

Duration: 2 days ( 10 hrs.)
Number of Participants: Maximum 25
Target Audience: Management/Departmental Heads/Team Leads/Managers
Price: Rs. 8,000 per participant

The above fee includes course material, lunch and tea/coffee on both days.

Discover Your Strength & Put It To Work
Each of us is created unique with distinctive gifts and talents. We can live to our full potential only when we identify our gifts and strength and put them to work. How do we build our life around our strengths? At the same time, none of us is perfect. We all have weaknesses. Instead of spending energy overcoming them, how do we work around them so that they do not become a hindrance to our purpose?

This workshop will help you identify your strengths, removing obstacles to building your strengths, manage around your weaknesses and ways to multiply your strengths that you may build strength based teams and organisation.

Duration: 2 days (10 hrs)
Number of Participants: Maximum 25
Target Audience: General
Price: 10,000 per participant*

The above fee includes course material, lunch and tea/coffee on both days.

*Please ask for special rate for students (up to age 23 years). Student session is a 1 day (4 x 1 hr. sessions). Batch size : Unlimited.

Register for these trainings here.

All these trainings are also available online and is announced on our various media platforms. Stay tuned.